Your career journey now has a co-pilot

You’ll be fully equipped to guide your work life thanks to Fuqua’s proactive approach to career management. We provide you interview training and tools to help you pursue a tailored job search and create job opportunities with the companies you’re interested in. You’ll use these skills and our resources not only for your first position after graduation, but throughout your career.

With an alumni network of 28,000+, our graduates make a difference worldwide, in a diversified set of companies that range from global corporations to start-ups. Year after year, we connect students with sought-after companies looking for leaders who understand the complex dynamics of an ever-changing marketplace and can adapt to a shifting economic landscape, who have an ambition to make a difference in the lives of others, and who can draw out the best in every team.

Ed Bernier

The Career Management Center

Whether you wish to advance within your current field or plan to seek a new challenge, the Career Management Center (CMC) works with you to oversee all aspects of your job search. Your career management team includes career coaches with industry specialties, a programming team that helps you master complex career search techniques, and other specialists who work across department lines—helping you identify synergies and career options you never considered.

Our corporate relations staff helps recruiters locate and hire Fuqua students through on-campus events, interviews, and job postings. In fact, Fuqua arranges for more than 200 companies to recruit our students each year via career fairs, presentations, and interviews. Our multifaceted approach to the job search expands your resources and helps you connect with the employers you're most interested in.

Success Statistics

We believe Fuqua’s career statistics are a testament to our record of identifying, nurturing, and supporting future leaders.

Our employment report includes a wealth of information including a complete roster of companies hiring Duke MBAs.

Explore detailed information about the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 full-time positions and internships accepted by our Daytime MBA students.

Download our 2023-2024 MBA Report

Download our 2022-2023 MBA Report

Download our 2021-2022 MBA Report


From All Angles: More Resources for You

From classroom prep to peer coaching and virtual career services, Fuqua provides you with a broad spectrum of interconnected resources to help with your career search.

As part of your Leadership Communication class, you’ll learn to:

  • Create your brand and tell your story
  • Effectively set up informational interviews and transition them into formal interviews
  • Answer the three most common interview questions and prepare questions for your interviewer that differentiate you from other candidates
  • Master the case interview and come up with on-the-spot solutions to corporate problems
  • Navigate typical recruiting situations by working through scenarios and best practices
Career Fellows

Each first-year student is assigned a Career Fellow—a second-year student who serves as a mentor and guide and acts as a sounding board to coach them through the recruiting and internship process.

Specialized Clubs

Fuqua’s many career-focused clubs allow you to work on your job search with other students who are pursuing similar opportunities – so everyone becomes a stronger candidate.

The CMC conducts workshops, webinars, and symposiums throughout the year that provide insight and skills to make your job search as smooth as possible.

Options and subjects include:

  • Self-assessment workshop
  • Career symposium
  • Relationship building
  • Branding and developing a strategic plan
  • Professional correspondence and resume development
  • Making a career transition
  • Behavioral interviewing
The Ford Library

The Ford Library's expert staff offers customized service and support to enhance your job search efforts.

Career Services System

A one-stop shop for recruiting and career search information, CareerBridge is our internal career services website, where you can find job postings and contacts for thousands of companies.

Nearly 37% of our students are non-U.S. citizens and come from all over the world.

MBA Job Opportunities Within the U.S.

Our team will help you understand the hiring landscape and effectively position yourself as a candidate in the United States. As part of your MBA experience, we work in close partnership with international student clubs, alumni, regional teams, the International Programs Office, and other departments to fully support you in your search.

U.S. Work Authorization

Under U.S. visa regulations, it may be possible for international students to become eligible for Duke-sponsored summer internship employment. For full-time employment after graduation, students without permanent U.S. work authorization may be eligible to receive sponsorship independent of The Duke MBA program.

For more information, visit Duke Visa Services.

STEM Designation

Fuqua's Daytime MBA program carries a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) designation, giving international students who meet certain requirements the opportunity to work in the U.S. for a total of 3 years (24 months of STEM OPT extension beyond the regular 12 month OPT). After the OPT period, you will need a company to sponsor you for a work-based visa, most typically the H-1B visa. For more information on the H-1B application process, visit the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

Your U.S. student visa status determines whether you are eligible for work on-campus during your program, but most student visas restrict or prohibit working off-campus during the program.


job opportunities last year across programs


Company visits with #FuquaAlumni



My Internship at Microsoft

Image of Daytime MBA Student Nathalia Borges
During her summer internship at Microsoft as a product marketing manager, Nathalia worked on the team building the positioning and go-to-market strategy for Azure, a new cloud computing resource for developers.
Read Nathalia's experience

Ask a Student

Students chat in Fuqua's mallway between classes
Want to connect with a student ambassador? Search our gallery for a student with a common career interest, and send them an email. They'll be happy to answer your questions!
Connect with a student


  1. Explore + Assess

    Identify goals, discover career opportunities

  2. Prepare

    Sharpen your skills, gather resources

  3. Implement

    Impress recruiters, leverage your network

  4. Get Ongoing Support

    Attend events, consult with counselors


Plugged in: Your Network

Duke has more than 195,000 alumni all over the world. Of those, more than 28,000+ are Fuqua alums, with 14% of our alumni living outside the U.S. There are 49 active Duke Regional Alumni Groups, and 12 of them are in other countries. Upon graduation, you will automatically become a member of the Duke Alumni Association (DAA) and will have access to all the benefits, programs, and services provided by the DAA.

Recruiter Network

Every year, we attract an increasingly broad variety of employers, from leading global businesses to small nonprofits. From the moment you arrive here—as early as the first day of orientation—you have opportunities to interact with recruiters both on and off-campus. Some companies that come to Fuqua even host office hours for you stop by and connect with them: an informal time to chat, ask questions, and get to know recruiters.

Recruiting-focused events regularly include:

  • Corporate presentations
  • Career expos and fairs
  • Company office hours
  • Casual coffee chats with recruiters
  • Case competitions
  • Career-focused presentations, such as "Finance 101" or "What is Brand Management?"
  • Industry symposia
  • Mock interview week
  • Week-in-Cities trips
  • Networking receptions
  • Student club events
  • First-round on-campus interviews (usually begin in January for summer internships and in October for full-time positions)


Want to get a feel for who we know? Check out our Employers + Industries.

Explore This Program

Daytime MBA

Admissions Information

Facts + Dates

Here's what you need to get started.

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Application Instructions

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Admissions Events

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Class Profile

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Tuition + Costs

Determine your investment.

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Financing Your Degree

Learn how to fund the program.

Read More about Financing Your Degree