Fueling Team Fuqua

Our sense of purpose and "outrageous ambition" have made us a top business school, a trailblazer in business education, and a producer of leaders who embrace today's unique opportunities. Investing in the forward-looking people, programs, and research that make Fuqua great will cement our leadership among preeminent business schools. Help us get to the next stage of our journey. 


David and Ashley Snow
For the Snows, Fuqua is a family affair. David Snow is a 1978 graduate of the MHA program, and daughter Ashley graduated from the MMS program in May 2017 (both pictured above). The Snow family has now left a lasting legacy at Duke by endowing the Snow Family Professorship with a $2.5 million commitment to Fuqua.

Thank You To Fuqua's Alumni, Volunteers, and Donors

Outside view of Fuqua courtyard

As we reflect on the past year, we celebrate Fuqua's alumni, volunteers, and donors. The engagement of 1,870 volunteers and support of 5,600 donors has ensured Fuqua's success. Please enjoy a video of thanks for your dedication in sustaining Fuqua!

Keller Society Step-Up Challenge

In 2021 Fuqua raised the membership criteria for the Thomas F. Keller Leadership Donor Society to recognize donors making annual gifts of $2,500 or more ($1,000 or more for recent graduates). With these changes, Fuqua kicked off a three-year Keller Society Step-Up Challenge, supported by the Keller Society Leadership Circle. Help Fuqua reach its 1,750-member goal for 2023-2024 by June 30 with a leadership gift today!


MMS Graduates Establish New Scholarship

Cosmin Panait and Lilian Yang
Aiming to support international students, Cosmin Panait MMS ’11 and Lilian Yang MMS ’11 have established a restricted endowed scholarship at Fuqua to help attract the best and brightest from around the world.

My Giving to Duke

Explore at-a-glance information about your giving to Duke by logging in to your account on the My Giving to Duke portal. View upcoming commitments, see your 5-year giving history, obtain receipts for specific gifts, and more!

SBSI in Geneen Auditorium

Annual Fund

The Fuqua Annual Fund fuels every aspect of the school’s mission, from student scholarships to relevant faculty research to innovative educational program delivery. Powered by unrestricted gifts, the Annual Fund can be used in real-time to address the most urgent and strategic needs of the school in a rapidly changing global environment. 


Bill Boulding and students with Durham t-shirts

Leadership Giving

Leadership donors help sustain our core excellence and fuel our ambitions to remain a top-ten business school. Making Fuqua a philanthropic priority through a leadership gift tells others that you think the school is worth your investment.


Rex D. Adams Society members

Endowment Giving

Gifts to endowment create perpetual funding—a foundation of financial security—that supports Fuqua’s core priorities and programs. Endowment assets are invested, and the annual earnings are used both to support the purpose of your fund and to build market value. Thus endowment funds can grow and provide support in perpetuity.


Blue Devil high-fiving a crowd

Goals and Progress

Fiscal year 2021-2022 marked a return to the vibrant student experience that Team Fuqua knows and loves, and we are incredibly grateful for our alumni and friends who showed their support of Fuqua through gifts to the Annual Fund. As we look forward to the next chapters in Fuqua's story, your support remains critical to our success.


Fuqua Alumni: Ways to Give

Ways to Give

There are many ways to make your gift to Fuqua. Whether you choose to give online, by phone, through the mail or through other means, we appreciate your support.