Fueling Team Fuqua
Our sense of purpose and "outrageous ambition" have made us a top business school, a trailblazer in business education, and a producer of leaders who embrace today's unique opportunities. Investing in the forward-looking people, programs, and research that make Fuqua great will cement our leadership among preeminent business schools. Help us get to the next stage of our journey.
Our Priorities
Merit scholarships play a crucial role in attracting top-tier talent from around the world, bringing diverse and exceptional students to Fuqua. In an increasingly competitive MBA landscape where top business schools vie for the brightest minds, these scholarships can be the deciding factor that inspires a student to choose Fuqua.
Endowed support for creating chaired professorships and driving groundbreaking research that bridges academia and industry is vital to ensuring Fuqua remains a magnet for top scholars and visionary educators.
Fuqua Annual Fund
Fuqua students are proactive problem-solvers, ready to tackle complex challenges. Your support of the Fuqua Annual Fund bolsters programs and empowers our outstanding students as they prepare to make a positive impact on the world.
Bequests and Legacy Gifts
One of the most effective ways to create an enduring legacy is to make a gift to Fuqua in your will or living trust, known as a bequest. Your planned gift helps future generations of Fuqua students and makes a lasting impact.
Program Support
Funded support for Fuqua's centers and programming is crucial in providing students with opportunities to explore their interests and apply their academic knowledge to real-world challenges.

A Word from the Dean
"For over 50 years, Fuqua’s enduring vision has been to create leaders who meet the needs of businesses today and are poised to lead at any level as businesses evolve and change. Our ability to grow and refine the way we train those leaders is due to the agility that comes from the philanthropic support of our generous community.
The Team Fuqua approach—combining rigorous analysis with collaborative problem-solving and ethical leadership—is more relevant and necessary than ever as we face the nexus of academe, business, and challenging societal issues. We invite you to be part of this exciting time at Fuqua, one that powers individuals to create meaningful change and forge a better future for decades to come."
Mary Frances Luce PhD '94
Interim Dean
Robert A. Ingram Professor of Business Administration
A Generous Legacy at Duke
In honor of their deep connection to Duke, Krista Patterson '03, JD '06, LLM '06 and Jonathan Wigser MBA '94 made a planned gift commitment through their estate. When Wigser graduated in 1994, the leadership at Fuqua invited him to serve on the Fuqua Alumni Council. He served in a number of capacities before joining the Fuqua Board of Visitors.
"When I left the board, I realized I wanted to stay involved philanthropically with Duke," Wigser said. "It was such a positive experience."
Inspiring Change Through Sustainability, Education, and Leadership
Tulani Thomas JD '06, MBA '06 not only inspires the next generation of environmental change agents but also fosters a culture of conscious decision-making and incorporating sustainable practices into all people’s daily lives to achieve significant positive change. With her work, Thomas shows that while environmental issues can seem overwhelming, small steps can have a huge impact, especially when these communities understand how their economic and ecological well-being are intertwined.
Goals and Progress
We are incredibly grateful for our alumni and friends who have shown their support of Fuqua through gifts to the Annual Fund. As we look forward to the next chapters in Fuqua's story, your support remains critical to our success.
Ways to Give
Donating to Fuqua demonstrates confidence, and there are many ways to make your gift to the school. Whether you choose to give online, by phone, through the mail or through other means, we appreciate your support.
Corporate Engagement
Corporations are an integral thread in the overall fabric of graduate business education across a wide range of activity that occurs throughout the academic year, providing not only career and professional opportunities but vital financial and intellectual resources.