Tapping Fuqua’s full potential

Corporations are an integral thread in the overall fabric of graduate business education across a wide range of activity that occurs throughout the academic year. Industry provides not only career and professional opportunities for Fuqua graduates, but vital financial and intellectual resources that enable Fuqua to sustain its top-tier curricular and para-curricular experiences.

Talented Future Employees

Fuqua's Career Management Center partners with corporations to develop a tailored strategy to meet each employer’s specific hiring needs and achieve recruiting goals. Learn how we recruit the best students from around the world.

Invest in Your Current Workforce

Duke Executive Education programs are designed to help your employees’ skills keep pace—and stay ahead—of multiplying challenges as companies seek to nurture and retain the talent in their organizations. Fuqua’s programs deliver strategies to advance solutions now and at every point in an employee’s career. Learn more about Fuqua’s full portfolio of programs.

Guide Students' Work on Your Projects

Organizations ranging from entrepreneurs, small businesses, and non-profits, to medium and large size companies, can engage with Fuqua students from three different degree programs via experiential learning projects. Explore the ways you can engage with students on real-world business challenges.

Research Centers

Connecting our research faculty with practitioners in a range of sectors, Fuqua’s centers draw out the strengths in people with different knowledge sets in ways that create new perspectives for our scholarship and teaching. See how we leverage our centers in convening thought leaders

The Office of Corporate Relations assists companies and other organizations in their efforts to establish, broaden, and deepen their organization’s strategic engagements with various parts of Fuqua. Through cultivating relationships between key points of contact within Fuqua and practitioners across industries, richer and more collaborative partnerships result.

To explore ways that your organization might become engaged with Fuqua, contact:

Stephen Windham
Director, Corporate Relations
Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business
Tel +1.919.660.7710 | Mobile +1.919.452.9688