Thank You To Our Board Members!

The headshot photos of all Fuqua alumni board members who are concluding their terms of service.


As the 2024 fiscal year comes to an end, we would like to say thank you to the Alumni Council, Minority Alumni Advisory Board, and Health Care Alumni Advisory Board members who are completing their board service.

Alumni Council Members

Megan Bostock MMS '12
Leys Bostrom MBA '13
Ricardo Canalda MBA '10
Elizabeth Cassidy MBA '04
Cordelia Chansler MBA '14
Lauren Gage MBA '19
Sydnor Gammon MBA '15
Julian Gordon MBA '18
Kelvin Jones MBA '97
Lauren Kasman Lynch MBA '14
Wenny Katzenstein MBA '03
Preeti Philip '02, MBA '07
MJ Ramachandran MMS '13
Meredith Rerisi MBA '02
Christine Shambach MBA '04
Lee Tian MBA '99

Minority Alumni Advisory Board Members

Natasha Collins MBA '96
Martin Ekechukwu MBA '05
Aki Garrett MBA '11
Michele Payne MBA '87
Meleata Pinto MBA '11 

Health Care Alumni Advisory Board Members

Sanjay Acharya MBA '14
Lina Dai MBA '16
Bill Greeley MBA '95
Jon Meltzer MBA '06
Shilpa Shelton MHA '92
Ben Shobert MBA '09