MSQM: BA Student Ron Thompson

"At Fuqua I’m learning more about team and leadership than I expected. I’ve worked in cross-functional international teams, and I thought I had it figured out well, but Fuqua has given me greater insight into team dynamic and how to leverage a team to be more effective. I use these lessons daily in my current role."

Santos – Alaska

MSQM: Business Analytics

Class of 2025


Natural Resources

Prior Education:

University of Adelaide
Petroleum Geology

Trinidad, Colorado


I selected the MSQM program because I wanted to develop into an effective decision maker and leader, with qualities applicable across a range of industries. The MSQM program at Fuqua appealed to my analytical and quantitative abilities, while the business curriculum is everything I would seek in an MBA. I appreciate that this degree adds benefit in my current career while making me marketable across other industries. I also realize programming and modeling skills (AI, ML, etc.) will impact everything we do. I wanted some of that knowledge.

In my industry, resources are not abundant, and no resource deposit is the same. This often leads to conflicting and ever-changing business drivers with in the industry. I thought I understood these business drivers, but the more I learn, the more I realize my understanding was very rudimentary. I believe this program will give me insight to select the correct projects for the business, based on insight from data. As a geologist with an understanding of business analytics, no longer will I just look at which projects have resource, now I can align geologic motivators with business drivers.

Before Fuqua

I’m currently a project geologist, responsible for collecting and analyzing data for the discovery and extraction of natural resources. As a project geologist, I propose development projects to executives for approval and then manage the execution of those projects, ensuring they meet the geologic objectives by emplacing appropriate procedures, technology, and personnel.

After Fuqua

In the short-term I look to utilize the skills I’ve gained to better inform and influence executives. In the long-term I hope to use the skills I’ve learned to choose appropriate projects for investment by guiding the team to use the appropriate data and techniques which accurately frame investment decisions.  

Advice to Prospective Students

Before you start list out your reasons for accepting this journey and what your priorities are. Talk to you family (support network) about those reasons and priorities. Ensure they align with you goals in your life, your career, and your education. Remind yourself of those reasons and priorities throughout the program.

I’ve been able to continue to work, keep up with my hobbies, travel, and relocate internationally (Australia to Alaska). The ability to study whenever wherever is an absolute necessity for me.  The program is set up very effectively and I don’t feel like I’m missing out by not being in person. You just need to remember the resources are there: the instructors, the team, the admin, the tutors, etc.

I’m not saying I’m not busy, because I’m busy all the time between studies, work, and life; but the way the classes are taught and the coursework laid out, the information is retained. Fuqua’s faculty knows how to teach and get the information you need across the line. I’m also impressed how there’s content for all types of learners—videos, reading, practicals, office hours, alt references. The ability to succeed is handed to you, it’s just a matter of taking what you need from the program.


MSQM:HA students "meet" in Durham without leaving home

Classroom of Remote Students on Video Monitors
Fuqua's demanding quantitative program offers the flexibility to maintain your career and personal priorities
More About MSQM:HA

Global Executive MBA

Top Areas of Career Focus

Financial Services (20%)
Consulting (5%)
Sales/Business Development (5%)
Energy/Chemical/Gas (9%)
Marketing/PR/Advertising (6%)
Consumer Goods (3%)

Typical Class Demographics
Global Executive MBA

Average Age


Average Work Experience

5-20 years

Countries Represented




Non-US Citizenship


Master of Management Studies: Duke Kunshan University

Undergraduate Majors

Business/Accounting (51%)
Economics (22%)
Liberal Arts (14%)
Engineering/Natural Sciences (10%)
Other (4%)

Typical Class Demographics
MMS: Duke Kunshan University

Average Age


Average Work Experience

6 months or less

Countries Represented




Non-US Citizenship


Master of Management Studies: Foundations of Business

Undergraduate Majors

Liberal Arts (33%)
Business/Accounting (24%)
Engineering/Natural Sciences (18%)
Economics (17%)
Other (8%)

Typical Class Demographics
MMS: Foundations of Business

Average Age


Average Work Experience

6 months or less

Countries Represented




Non-US Citizenship


Weekend Executive MBA

Top Areas of Career Focus

IT (16%)
Financial Services (14%)
Health Care/Health Services (10%)
Manufacturing/Operations (9%)
Sales/Business Development (8%)
Consulting (8%)

Typical Class Demographics
Weekend Executive MBA

Age Range


Students with Advanced Degrees


Work Experience

5-20 years

Countries Represented


