Anoushka standing side by side with her father in front of their company sign.

MMS '23

LP Group


1. Where has life taken you since graduation? What have you been up to?
I graduated from the MMS program in 2023 and it's been a roller coaster since then. We were unfortunately in the middle of an unemployment economy so it was not easy to navigate the job market. Since my family owns a business back home, I decided to relocate back to India and join the company – a textile conglomerate. I am currently assisting my father in our export endeavors. Having been exposed to a great community at Fuqua, it has been easier for me to connect with people – be it our employees or buyers. I get to travel a lot as well so there are bonus points!


2. How do you stay connected with the Fuqua community post-graduation?
I am able to stay connected with most of my close Fuqua friends today. Though we don’t get to talk like before, we catch up every few months, and, in today's age, social media has made it easier. By sending memes on Instagram to snaps on Snapchat, we are all connected in some way or the other. I even reconnected with a few friends when they visited my city last December, and I'm looking forward to seeing a few more friends this winter!


3. What role has the alumni network played in your professional journey?
The Fuqua alumni community has been instrumental in aiding my professional development. From job process advice to enlightening me about the market- it's all been so helpful. I really have enjoyed connecting with people and participating in those lovely chats.


4. In what ways do you continue to support or give back to Fuqua?
I am currently connected with the media team for the MMS program. I still write blogs for them; in fact, I am in the process of writing and publishing one now. I also volunteered as a social media ambassador for Fuqua Reunions 2024 and ended up writing a blog about that as well. I do intend to stay connected with Fuqua long term because it really shaped my life and molded me into a more confident person.


5. How has your relationship with the Fuqua community evolved since graduation?
It is so difficult to process that I am no longer a student at Fuqua. Ten months went by so quickly. During the program, I wasn’t sure what it would be like once we all graduated, but I am really happy we persevered through the program and supported each other when needed. Some things haven’t changed for my friend group, like reminiscing every time we talk or sending gifts during birthdays. These traditions are what create a stronger bond. I won't say it’s the same as before- the time difference doesn’t help- but I am glad that we can all stay connected.